- Mikeska, J. N., Howell, H., & Straub, C. (2019). Using performance tasks within simulated environments to assess teachers’ ability to engage in coordinated, accumulated, and dynamic (CAD) competencies. International Journal of Testing, 19(2), 128-147.*
- Mikeska, J. N., Holtzman, S., McCaffrey, D. F., Liu, S., & Shattuck, T. (2019). Using classroom
- observations to evaluate science teaching: Implications of lesson sampling for measuring science teaching effectiveness across lesson types. Science Education, 103(1), 123-144.
- Mikeska, J. N., Kurzum, C., Steinberg, J., & Xu, J. (2018). Assessing elementary science teachers’ content knowledge for teaching science for the ETS Educator Series: Pilot results. (Research Report No. RR-18-20). Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service.
- Mikeska, J.N., Shattuck, T., Holtzman, S., McCaffrey, D., Duchesneau, N., Qi, Y., & Stickler, L. (2017).
- Understanding science teaching effectiveness: Examining how science-specific and generic instructional practices relate to student achievement in secondary science classrooms. International Journal of Science Education, 18(39), 2594-2623.
- Mikeska, J.N., Phelps, G., & Croft, A. (2017). Practice-based measures of elementary science teachers’ content knowledge for teaching: Initial item development and validity evidence. ETS Research Report Series, 2017(1), 1-72. doi: 10.1002/ets2.12168.
The fundamental purpose of this project is to examine and gather initial validity evidence for assessments designed to measure and build kindergarten-fifth grade science teachers' content knowledge for teaching (CKT) about matter and its interactions in teacher education settings.