Professional Title
Researcher Assistant
About Me (Bio)
Korah Wiley is a doctoral student in the Graduate Group in Science and Mathematics Education (SESAME) program at the University of California, Berkeley. Prior to pursuing her doctorate, she earned a BS in Biochemistry, an MS in Molecular Cancer Biology, and taught for over 10 years as a biology instructor at the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. Her time teaching inspired her current research interests, namely how to promote equitable STEM classroom teaching and learning. She works on two projects: Graphing Research on Inquiry with Data in Science (GRIDS) and Supporting Teachers in Responsive Instruction for Developing Expertise in Science (STRIDES). On GRIDS, she investigates how to support middle school students’ ability to interpret and use graphs in science. On STRIDES, she investigates how to support middle school teachers’ implementation of learning analytics to make evidence-based instructional decisions in response to their students’ diverse ideas.
Citations of DRK-12 or Related Work (DRK-12 work is denoted by *)
- Wiley, K. J., Bradford, A., & Linn, M. C. (2019). Supporting Collaborative Curriculum Customizations Using the Knowledge Integration Framework. In K. Lund, G. P. Niccolai, E. Lavoue, C. Hmelo-Silver, G. Gweon, & M. Baker (Eds.), 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (Vol. 1, pp. 480–487). Lyon, France: International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS).*
- Wiley, K. J., Bradford, A., Pardos, Z., & Linn, M. C. (2019). Beyond Autoscoring: Extracting Conceptual Connections from Essays for Classroom Instruction. In C. Lynch, A. Merceron, M. Desmarais, & R. Nkambou (Eds.), Proceedings of The 12th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (pp. 675–678). Montreal, Canada.*
- Gerard, L., Wiley, K., Bradford, A., King Chen, J., Breitbart, J., & Linn, M.C. (2020). Impact of a Teacher Action Planner Capturing Student Ideas on Customization Decisions. To be published in the ICLS 2020 Proceedings, Nashville: TN.*