Professional Title
Senior Scientist
About Me (Bio)
Daniel Scher is the principal investigator of the Introducing Dynamic Number as a Transformative Technology for Number and Early Algebra at KCP Technologies. Daniel joined KCP Technologies as a full-time curriculum developer for the Sketchpad for Young Learners project after serving as an external project advisor during Phase I. Previously, Daniel was program director at Best Practices in Education, where he specialized in educational technology applications and the adaptation of the Elkonin-Davydov mathematics curriculum for an after-school program. He investigated the epistemology and mathematics of Dynamic Geometry® while a researcher at Education Development Center. He is the author of a Sketchpad conic sections module and is the co-author of a geometry textbook and a precalculus Sketchpad module. His scholarly articles on Sketchpad and Dynamic Geometry have appeared in numerous journals. Daniel received a BA in Mathematics from the University of Pennsylvania in 1989, an MS in Mathematics Education from Cornell University in 1993, and a PhD in Mathematics Education from New York University in 2002.
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