Join in a discussion and give feedback on the work of a project integrating science and literacy/language arts, and issues associated with designing and implementing integrated science in K–5 schools.
The vision of meaningful learning in science from NGSS and the National Research Council’s A Framework for K-12 Science Education requires reform efforts that address 1) curricular issues (what is being taught); and 2) pedagogical practices (what teaching will look like with emphasis on both the practices of science and engineering and the integration of the Common Core State Standards – English Language Arts). This session will highlight integrated instructional activities at the elementary level that are being implemented in one DR K-12 project and being developed and piloted in another, newly funded project. Similarities and differences across the two models will be highlighted along with issues associated with classroom implementation of the three components of NGSS and the integration of literacy.
First, participants will engage in identifying persistent curricular problems in the implementation of K-5 science. Then, by examining representative project-developed curriculum modules, they will discuss how and to what degree the modules illustrate NGSS and literacy standards while maintaining conceptual coherence, advancing both student learning and classroom instruction, and enabling schools to meet current accountability mandates. Results from one of the projects will provide the basis for a discussion about how the NGSS and literacy can be logically combined and feasible to implement in authentic classroom settings. Finally, presenters and participants will discuss ways in which the two integrated instructional models might serve as optional alternatives for school districts while still accomplishing the broad-based national goals.