We draw on our experiences researching teachers’ use of student thinking to theoretically unpack the work of attending to student contributions in order to articulate the student mathematics (SM) of those contribution. We propose four articulation-related categories of student contributions that occur in mathematics classrooms and require different teacher actions:(a) Stand Alone, which requires no inference to determine the SM; (b) Inference-Needed, which requires inferring from the context to determine the SM; (c) Clarification-Needed, which requires student clarification to determine the SM; and (d) Non-Mathematical, which has no SM. Experience articulating the SM of student contributions has the potential to increase teachers’ abilities to notice and productively use student mathematical thinking during instruction.
Van Zoest, L. R., Stockero, S. L., Leatham, K. R., Peterson, B. E., & Ruk, J. M. (2020). Articulating the student mathematics in student contributions. In A. I. Sacristán, J. C. Cortés-Zavala, & P. M. Ruiz-Arias (Eds.), Mathematics Education Across Cultures: Proceedings of the 42nd Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Mexico (pp. 2105–2109). Cinvestav / AMIUTEM / PME-NA. https:/doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-354