Signing High School Science

This project integrates American Sign Language (ASL) into the life and physical sciences content of 9th-12th grade deaf or hard-of-hearing students. Project partners incorporate the use of the assistive technology in order to develop, research, and disseminate two interactive 3D dictionaries: Signing Life Science Dictionary (SLSD), and Signing Physical Science Dictionary (SPSD) with audio modes and approximately 750 standards-based terms in English and Spanish text that can be signed or listened to on demand.

Full Description

With this project, TERC and Vcom3D are using the SigningAvatar® assistive technology to research, develop, and disseminate two illustrated interactive 3D dictionaries. Each dictionary will have an audio mode and will include at least 750 standards-based terms in English and Spanish text that can be signed or listened to on demand. One dictionary will be a Signing Life Science Dictionary (SLSD); one will be a Signing Physical Science Dictionary (SPSD). To begin to establish effectiveness, the partners will investigate two research questions: 1) What kinds of learning gains in life science are possible with use of the SLSD? 2) What kinds of learning gains in physical science are possible with use of the SPSD? Extrapolating from the findings from their Signing Science Dictionary (SSD), the partners’ hypotheses are that with the SLSD and SPSD, students will have assistive tools that help them 1) increase their ability to sign, understand, and use the languages of life and physical science; 2) improve their science content knowledge; 3) increase their ability to study each content area independently. An external evaluator will conduct a formative and summative project evaluation. Dissemination at the end of the 48-month project, together with a Signing Earth Science Dictionary (SESD) under development, will offer students who are deaf or hard of hearing increased access to the same learning opportunities in science that hearing students enjoy—opportunities that they can build on beyond high school and that may lead to careers in STEM. Additionally, new terms in English and Spanish will be added to Vcom3D’s sign lexicon and will be available for development of signed science materials.


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Signing High School Science Poster