This project builds on exploratory work engaging in mathematics professional learning with paraeducators to provide a professional learning experience focused on teaching and learning mathematics in grades PreK-3.
Doing the Math with Paraeducators: Enhancing and Expanding and Sustaining a Professional Development Model in PreK to Grade 3 Math Classrooms
Paraeducators (often referred to as paras) have critical roles in supporting student learning in classrooms, particularly in the elementary grades where paras are more prevalent. Despite this critical role, little is known about the professional needs of paraeducators and how they can be supported in learning to teach mathematics in the early elementary grades. This project builds on exploratory work engaging in mathematics professional learning with paraeducators to provide a professional learning experience focused on teaching and learning mathematics in grades PreK-3. This work will take place over the course of four years in two large urban school districts in different parts of the country. The model includes professional development experiences for paras and the teachers with whom they work, supporting teachers to improve their guidance for paras as they work together to support mathematics learning, professional learning support for school-based mathematics coordinators, and the study of the model's effectiveness through surveys, interviews, and classroom observations.
The project begins with the revision of the professional development model, expanding the model to include aspects geared towards teacher and district-based support as well as strengthening the professional learning opportunities for paras. This first year of the project will develop measurement tools to assess the impact of the professional development, including the use of surveys to assess the practice and confidence of paras in implementing ambitious mathematics instruction, observation tools to measure para instructional behaviors, individual and focus group interviews to provide paras and their teacher mentors opportunities to describe their learning in depth, and analytical strategies related to the professional development artifacts. The second year will implement the model with 20 paras and their mentor teachers, along with 8 district-based mathematics facilitators. The third year of the project will engage an additional 20 new paras in each of the two districts involved with the project. The final year will focus on data analysis and the development of a generalizable model for para-teacher mentor professional development in mathematics. Dissemination of such a model is likely to have a meaningful impact on professional learning opportunities for this traditionally under supported population leading to stronger mathematics outcomes for PreK-3 students.
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