Completing, Validating, and Linking Learning Trajectories for K-8 Rational Number Reasoning Tied to the Common Core Standards

This project will build and validate learning trajectories (LTs) in mathematics for fraction, ratio, and for decimal and percent to represent learning by grades 3-7 students. A system will be developed to automate data collection for field testing assessment items to determine students' attainment of proficiency levels. Three LTs will be produced and validated along with over 125 assessment items for each of these three trajectories. These assessment items will be useful for diagnosing student learning.

Full Description

This project will build and validate learning trajectories (LTs) in mathematics for fraction, ratio, and for decimal and percent to represent learning by grades 3-7 students. A system will be developed to automate data collection for field testing assessment items to determine students' attainment of proficiency levels. Three LTs will be produced and validated along with over 125 assessment items for each of these three trajectories. These assessment items will be useful for diagnosing student learning. Technologies such as mobile phones, tablets, and computers will be used to deliver, analyze, and report diagnostic data on students. The learning trajectories will be available both electronically and in print. The levels of proficiencies will be provided with the outcome spaces, the exemplary items, the student work, and videos of student responses. Publications will provide data on analysis of the diagnostic items and assessments. The project will be done by researchers at the North Carolina State University in collaboration with RoleModel Software Inc.,and the University of Maryland.

The learning trajectories will be developed through literature reviews, whole class teaching experiments, clinical interviews, and large-scale assessments. Students in grade 3 will be observed and interviewed while engaging in work on fractions, ratios, decimal, and precents. Some of these students will be observed longitudinally over the two years. Other students from grades 4 through 8 will be interviewed. For each of the three trajectories, about 150 assessment items will be developed and field tested with a large group.

Three learning trajectories will be developed and made available electronically with supporting materials. The learning trajectories will be done in coordination with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in mathematics. Because the learning trajectories and materials will be informative to teachers who will be implementing the CCSS, the work has the potential to appeal to and reach a very large audience. Publications will provide data on analysis of the diagnostic items and assessments. The researchers will seek ways for a greater audience to have access to the software for accessing and retrieving items.

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NSF Discoveries Announcement