CAREER: Mathematics Instruction for English Language Learners (MI-ELL)

This study is investigating the classroom factors and teacher characteristics that contribute to Latino English Language Learners' (ELL) gains in mathematics learning in the eighth grade. In addition to looking for key characteristics that influence mathematics learning, the researchers are measuring teachers' knowledge of mathematics for teaching, quality of instruction, and knowledge about English learners.

Full Description

This study is investigating the classroom factors and teacher characteristics that contribute to Latino English Language Learners' (ELL) gains in mathematics learning in the eighth grade. Researchers are collaborating with two school districts in Texas to investigate teaching practices. The project includes professional development that incorporates successful strategies found from their investigations. In addition to looking for key characteristics that influence mathematics learning, the researchers are measuring teachers' knowledge of mathematics for teaching, quality of instruction, and knowledge about English learners.

The research design of the five-year study is a two-level cluster design in which students are nested within teachers. The goal is to predict English Language Learners' gains in mathematics achievement on standardized tests from the resources used by teachers. Measures of teacher knowledge include the Learning Mathematics for Teaching instrument, TExES Bilingual Education Supplemental 4-8 Representative Exam, and the Quality of Mathematics Instruction instrument. Variables and their interactions are analyzed to understand their relationship with student achievement. The evaluation plan involves both formative and summative components related to conducting the research and offering the associated professional development. The educational plan includes implementing a Mathematics Bilingual Institute that offers practicing teachers a professional development focused on successful classroom practices.

This project has the potential to help educators throughout the United States understand the best practices that promote mathematical learning for Latino ELL students. It can help us understand teacher characteristics that contribute to student learning and ways to help teachers develop those characteristics.

Project Videos

2016 STEM for All Video Showcase

Title: Breaking Down Language Barriers: Math for ELLs

Presenter(s): Brittany Webre, Nariman Ahmed, Rachel Bower, Christine Herrera, Meagan Hoff, Alexander Rasche, Shawnda Smith, M. Alejandra Sorto, Christina Starkey, & Matthew Straughn


Project Materials