
Research and Product Dissemination and Sustainability: Approaches and Considerations

Many, if not most, DRK–12 projects grapple with challenges and opportunities related to dissemination and sustainability. Dissemination strategies to optimize the visibility of a project and reach of key research outputs may be part of a larger sustainability plan to support uptake of research products, models, and interventions and extend the impact of the project results.



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This document features issues and approaches that were discussed by a “critical friends group” in the process of providing input to a DRK-12 project on dissemination strategies. While not comprehensive, the considerations listed may serve as a reminder of what to think through when you are conceptualizing and designing your next research and development project.

From Pilots to Products: Notes from a Gathering of Researchers and Developers at the 2018 DRK-12 PI Meeting

This document captures the ideas and experiences shared by DRK–12 awardees who attended a forum to explore different routes toward product sustainability. It includes notes on types of DRK-12 products, use and adoption of products, resources needed to support dissemination and sustainability of products, sources of support, and indicators of successful product dissemination and sustainability.



Short Description

This document captures the ideas and experiences shared by DRK–12 awardees who attended a forum to explore different routes toward product sustainability. It includes notes on types of DRK-12 products, use and adoption of products, resources needed to support dissemination and sustainability of products, sources of support, and indicators of successful product dissemination and sustainability.

Dissemination Toolkit: Policy Outreach

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Why Communicate with Legislators and Their Staff?

Funding for the National Science Foundation (NSF) is contingent on legislative support. Because of this, it is important for NSF awardees to communicate with legislators about the value and importance of their projects. This is especially true for legislators who sit on committees relevant to STEM education.



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Funding for the National Science Foundation (NSF) is contingent on legislative support. Because of this, it is important for NSF awardees to communicate with legislators about the value and importance of their projects.

Tips for Writing for Publication

This tip sheet is one of a series developed for early career STEM education researchers. It offers tips for writing for publication.



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This tool is designed for early career STEM education researchers to offer tips for writing for publication. The advice largely comes from National Science Foundation-funded awardees who have graciously shared information about their own writing and publishing experiences.

Dissemination Toolkit: Guide to Product Dissemination

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12 Questions to Guide a Product-Driven Dissemination Strategy

If you have a resource, activity, event, or project milestone that you would like to disseminate, use the guiding questions below to help you devise a plan.



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The 12 Steps for a Product-Driven Dissemination Strategy can help you devise a plan for disseminating a product (a resource, activity, event, or even a milestone in your project) successfully.

Dissemination Toolkit: Project Websites

Websites IconWebsites are a great way to share resources and information about your project. However, they can be expensive to make and maintain. Below are some tips for deciding whether a website is right for your project, determing which website content management system best fits your needs, and bringing visitors to your site.



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Planning to create a website to feature your project's work? Here are some tips and things to think about.