Marc Weissburg

Professional Title
Professor of Biology, Brook Byers Institute of Sustainability Professor, Co-Director of the Center for Biologically-Inspired Design
About Me (Bio)
I am a biologist who uses principles derived from biological systems to improve the design of human technology and processes, aka biologically-inspired design. I have developed teaching methods to refine this practice, which I have used at K12, university and professional education levels.
Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech)

In this project, high school engineering teachers will spend five weeks in a research lab devoted to biologically-inspired design, as they partner with cutting-edge engineers and scientists to study animal features and behavior and their applications to engineering designs. After this lab experience, the high school teachers will receive three six- to ten-week curricular units, tailored for tenth- through twelfth-grade students, which teach biologically-inspired design in the context of problems that are relevant to youth.