CAISE online forum May 16-20

CAISE Online Forum on Design Based Research (DBR), Design Based Implementation Research (DBIR), and Informal STEM Learning

May 16-20, 2016


This forum will explore design-based research (DBR) and design-based implementation research (DBIR) as paradigms, approaches and methodologies in informal STEM education (ISE) projects. Developed in the learning sciences, DBR and DBIR are often applied to the problems of formal education, but have been emerging in our field.  In this discussion we will consider how these approaches have been defined and developed and the distinctions between them. We will explore how they are being used in the field of  informal STEM learning, discuss how they contribute to theory and practice, and share experiences of and strategies for developing DBR and DBIR projects and partnerships. Join the forum here beginning at 9:00 AM EST on Monday, May 16:

Forum topics by day: 

  • Monday, May 16, 2016: Introductions Share briefly what knowledge/experience with either DBR or DBIR they bring to the discussion
  • Tuesday, May 17, 2016: What is Design Based Research? - How is knowledge built and shared with the field? Examples
  • Wednesday, May 18, 2016: What is Design Based Implementation Research? - How is built and shared with the field? Examples
  • Thursday, May 19, 2016:  Problems of practice, research questions, and partners: How to envision and launch a DBR/DBIR project/partnership.
  • Friday, May 20, 2016: Reflections and wrap up


 Recommended articles: 

Diving deeper: 

Potential outcomes of the forum:

  • Define terms and establish how DBR and DBIR are being used in the learning sciences and formal education. Share some canonical references and schools of thought.
  • Map DBR/DBIR and DBR/DBIR-related work in informal STEM education
  • Discuss where DBR and DBIR are best used, and where they have limitations.
  • Surface how each produce knowledge, what kind of knowledge, how is it shared and with whom.
  • Explore how each serves different kinds of innovation and how each might work in the context of different kinds of projects

The overarching goal of the forum is to raise awareness of DBR/DBIR and inspire thinking about potential projects and partnerships. Participants will be asked to think about questions such as “How this discussion helped you frame research questions within the context of DBR/DBIR?”

Please join CAISE co-PIs Kevin Crowley, Kirsten Ellenbogen and Jamie Bell, along with Jennifer Lin Russell, assistant professor of Learning Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh, and Bronwyn Bevan, senior research scientist at the University of Washington on Monday, May 16, 2016 for a week of lively dialogue on this topic.